
Electricity and inscrutability are put into dance by Christos Papadopoulos. His influences remain tied to natural organisms; this particular piece is inspired by mycelium, the great underground structure of fungi, with root-like, connected dancing causing the internal perceptions of the members of a group to shift. This new fascinating piece is set to Coti K.’s electronic music.

Nature keeps coming up with new shapes, motions, structures from which to draw inspiration. Greek choreograph Christos Papadopoulos is fascinated with the creativity that pertains to natural processes. He devised an organic dance which transforms the way bodies interact and widened the scope of the relations between them. From a base of simple body movements, trance-like states are reached, immersing all senses in an aesthetic, multi-dimensional bath. The choreograph drew inspiration from the complex nerves of underground fungi structures, with their flow of impulses and links with tree roots making up a network of interaction, contact and sensation between twenty dancers on Coti K’s music. The performers of Mycelium rely on micro movements, rhythm discrepancies, repetitions and minute variations and become connected to one another by infinite, invisible edges making up the sensitive web of their dance into a moving, collective entity.


Christos Papadopoulos

Choreography Assistant

Georgios Kotsifakis


Coti K.

Lighting Designer

Eliza Alexandropoulou

Costume Designer

Angelos Mentis


Pierre Advokatoff, Amandine Roque De la Cruz


Marie Albert, Jacqueline Bâby, Edi Blloshmi, Eleonora Campello, Noëllie Conjeaud, Katrien de Bakker, Abril Diaz, Jade Diouf, Alvaro Dule, Brendan Evans, Paul Grégoire, Jackson Haywood, Amanda Lana, Marco Merenda, Albert Nikolli, Leoannis Pupo-Guillen, Anna Romanova, Raul Serrano Nuñez, Giacomo Todeschi, Kaine Ward

Opera de LyonLyonFrance

Opera de LyonLyonFrance

Opera de LyonLyonFrance

Opera de LyonLyonFrance

Opera de LyonLyonFrance